Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shameless plug...

If you live somewhere and are lucky enough to get Momentum Magazine pick up an issue! Not only does it feature some cool new bike fashions (like the Dashing Tweeds a few posts below), but it has a profile on yours truly.

When I'm not planning my next bike escape, I'm biking around the city taking photos to fund the next bike escape :) I specialize in environmental portraits and lifestyle images. I usually ride to all my shoots but am not averse to taking the train. My dream gig is for Oprah to hire me to shoot for O Magazine and I'd ride my bike from Los Angeles to Chicago (anyone know her people? just throwing it out there.)

1 comment:

JPTwins said...

hey congratulations! now you're official. heh. I like the kind of exposure you've been getting, all very bike friendly.
